How Your Wall Looks Now Will Leave You Speechless

[SPOILER ALERT: Special offer at the end!]
I love those 'clickbait' headlines.
Spoiler Alert: That's not always true (although the 'special offer at the end!' is).
Facebook and other traffic hubs are in the process of punishing websites that post these ridiculous, attention-baiting billboards, hoping to entice you with what passes for 'news' these days: traffic-for-the-sake-of-traffic, gossip, scandal, and worst of all: reality TV.
Look, I was a fan of the Brady Bunch (not to date myself). And yes, I had a crush on Jan when I was a kid. But I will never consider how she looks these days—or anyone, really, unless it's Helen of Troy—to be truly 'JAW-DROPPING."
I'll tell you what drops my jaw.
Golfing at the crack of dawn in Bermuda.

Coming within 30 feet of a shipwreck while snorkeling in Jamaica.
Watching the Golden Gate Bridge dissolve into fog while perched in Battery Spencer.
The thought of watching a whale breach from the deck of an Alaskan cruise.
We all have moments and connections that sear or stir the soul. While we learn from the former, we also celebrate the latter as moments that purely exhilarate as they define us.
We had a Facebook fan recently post, "Ch-art," as a comment on our Saughkonnet to Cape Cod (1857) chart, and I can't imagine a better way to articulate how we celebrate and encapsulate the beauty and timelessness of a memory or moment through one of our charts. Trust us: we have over 1100 in our collection and are adding them every month, as we reboot our site. We hear it from far and wide: every shoreline, beach, rigging, cruise, dock, and harbor-side cocktail has its own story.
We want you to look up at your wall and remember the moment your toes touched the pink sand of Horseshoe Beach. When there wasn't enough aloe vera to soothe the sunburn you got when you fell asleep with the perfect read in a hammock on Oahu. How beautiful the bride looked as she strolled down a dock in Ocho Rios, and how equally beautiful it sounded when she said "I do."
Those are the moments that are sincerely jaw dropping. And if you have a memory in your past or ones patiently awaiting, we want to help your wall remind you of it, constantly.
To help, we're offering 20% off each and every chart we offer through November 30th. Celebrate your moments and give the gift of celebration this holiday season. Your recipients and their walls will thank you.
(HINT: If you want the gift that keeps on giving throughout the year, sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of our homepage. Doing so will get you a coupon worth an additional 5% off any chart we offer, every time there's a sale!)